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Soul AfterLife / The Mystery of the Afterlife
Last post by Webmaster7 - Apr 24, 2024, 08:33 PM
How can we discover the Incredible Truth About Soul After Death?
Soul After Death / What happens to soul after de...
Last post by Webmaster7 - Apr 24, 2024, 08:32 PM
In Hinduism, heaven is considered as Svarga loka. There are seven positive regions the soul can go to after death and seven negative regions. After completing its stay in the respective region, the soul is subjected to rebirth in different living forms according to its karma.
Soul After Death / Does the Soul feel Emotions a...
Last post by Webmaster7 - Apr 24, 2024, 08:31 PM
The belief in the existence of a soul and its capacity to feel emotions after death has long been a topic of debate among theologians, philosophers, and scientists. However, many people are convinced that the soul does indeed feel emotions even after the physical body has ceased to function.

The soul, according to various religious and spiritual beliefs, is the essence of a human being that continues to exist after death. It is often described as the immortal part of a person that carries their consciousness, memories, and emotions. Therefore, it stands to reason that if the soul is indeed eternal, then it must also retain the ability to experience emotions after death.

Many people who have had near-death experiences or have communicated with loved ones who have passed away through mediums, claim to have felt intense emotions from the other side. They describe feelings of love, joy, and peace, as well as more negative emotions like sadness and regret. These accounts provide compelling evidence that the soul does indeed feel emotions after death.

In conclusion, while there is no definitive proof that the soul feels emotions after death, the overwhelming anecdotal evidence suggests that it does. Whether through religious beliefs, spiritual experiences, or personal accounts, the idea that the soul continues to feel after death is a convincing one.
Soul After Death / Is There Life After Death?
Last post by Webmaster7 - Apr 24, 2024, 08:30 PM

 What Happens to Your Soul with Eye-Opening opinions.  What is your opinion?
How did they know? / The mystery about Jules Verne...
Last post by Webmaster7 - Apr 24, 2024, 08:26 PM
Growing up I read a lot of books, and some where stories written 150+ years ago.  In this case Jules Verne, famous Author of books (sci-fi at that time), century ahead of real time events.
Such as: Around the World in Eighty Days, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas, The Mysterious Island, From the Earth to the Moon, In Search of the Castaways, Around the Moon, and many more.

Sci-fi then - reality today.
Several other Authors have describe events of the future?  How did their mind create such works?  

I throw out this question: when the Souls is Energy, and Energy (the Soul) is not dying with the physical body, could Energy transfer back in time, and manifest itself in a new being?

Could it create sub-consciously tiny bits of memory in a new body?
About the "Soul" / Karma and Soul - is there a co...
Last post by Webmaster7 - Apr 24, 2024, 08:20 PM
Is there any possible connection with Karma and the soul? 
Some interpret Karma s co-incidence of time and event, whereas other connect mental energy, in a mostly negative way against another person aura.  Could this effect the Soul?
Scientists are one group with opinion, here are some Philosophical ones. 

The soul after death continues to exist, suggesting its eternal nature. If the soul is energy, it cannot be destroyed, only transformed, supporting its everlasting existence. This idea is supported by philosophical arguments that propose the soul lives forever, transcending physical death and time.

Philosophical arguments propose that the soul lives forever, transcending physical death and time. This idea is supported by the concept of the soul as energy, which cannot be destroyed, only transformed.
The concept of the soul after death is a topic of debate among scientists. Some argue that the soul is energy and cannot be destroyed, thus living forever. This idea is supported by the laws of physics, which state that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Others question the existence of the soul and its eternal nature, citing a lack of empirical evidence. However, the concept of the soul as energy suggests that it cannot be destroyed, only transformed, supporting the idea of an eternal soul.

What do you think?
Living Soul / The Soul's Journey After Deat...
Last post by Webmaster7 - Apr 24, 2024, 08:09 PM
The soul after death embarks on a journey that transcends the physical realm. As the soul is energy, it cannot be destroyed, only transformed. This means that the soul must continue to exist in some form after death.

The concept that the soul lives forever aligns with the belief in its eternal nature. If the soul is energy, then it must be subject to the same laws of physics as any other form of energy, supporting the idea of an eternal soul.
Living Soul / The Soul is Energy
Last post by Webmaster7 - Apr 24, 2024, 08:08 PM
Energy Never dies - therefore the Soul in our terms lives on.
Such "living" cannot and should not be interpreted in any physical form or understanding, rather in the sphere of the Universe.

The talk, believe, references to our word "Soul" existed long time ago, far before any religions became established. Before ancient times, the natives and cultures in different parts of this planet, referred to the Universe, the place were the Souls would go, when the physical body, who carried the Soul, passed away.

At such times, there was no connection between continents and such culture, only at rare, very rare occasion, could have been some travel expansion. However, with all these cultures was the same believe, where the Souls would go - gen heaven, as they did not know yet about the vast Universe.

Later years, as Religion started, again, in different continents of different structure, they conveniently implement the meaning of the word "Soul" in their scriptures, to influence the minds of their followers and creating a bond, which really has no bearing of the Souls with any specific Religion or cult.

The Soul is independent - exist within the Energy