
Dark Theory - The beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning

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The Soul is Energy

Started by Webmaster7, Apr 24, 2024, 08:08 PM

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I told this several friends and they looked at me, like I came from a different planet.
I laughed, and told them, maybe that's where my soul lived before.
that shut them up-


Energy Never dies - therefore the Soul in our terms lives on.
Such "living" cannot and should not be interpreted in any physical form or understanding, rather in the sphere of the Universe.

The talk, believe, references to our word "Soul" existed long time ago, far before any religions became established. Before ancient times, the natives and cultures in different parts of this planet, referred to the Universe, the place were the Souls would go, when the physical body, who carried the Soul, passed away.

At such times, there was no connection between continents and such culture, only at rare, very rare occasion, could have been some travel expansion. However, with all these cultures was the same believe, where the Souls would go - gen heaven, as they did not know yet about the vast Universe.

Later years, as Religion started, again, in different continents of different structure, they conveniently implement the meaning of the word "Soul" in their scriptures, to influence the minds of their followers and creating a bond, which really has no bearing of the Souls with any specific Religion or cult.

The Soul is independent - exist within the Energy